Intervju sa Ricardo Sousa

Ricardo Sousa je jedan mladi i fini dećko koji je na WebFestu 2011 godine bio govornik i imao zapaženu ulogu.
Na mene je ostavio odličan utisak, pride, njegovo predavanje je bilo super motivaciono.
Ali neću o predavanju, želim da podelim sa vama nekoliko odgovora koje je Ricardo dao u mini intervju za


Please, describe in a few sentences in your own way how you see yourself?

I see myself as a born-entrepreneur who is always seeking for opportunities to grow both personally and professionally. I see life as a quest for happiness and fulfillment and see in entrepreneurial endeavors, for as small as they might seem, the great quest to provoke world changes.

Are you aware of the fact that you influence the lives of many people throught your work?

I’d love to believe so, but I still think that I’m a bit away from that point.

In what way would you like to influence others?

If in any way, I would say through my work serving as an example for the need to fight for what we believe and dream.

What does  pharse “something nice” mean for you?

Something that makes me smileJ

In these questions were not too difficult,  is there anything else you would like to sky to all my readers?

Fight for what you believe, do whatever makes you feel alive and don’t feel shy to tell the world about it. Sharing is part of what makes this journey unique.

Zahvaljujem se Ricardu.

Zahvaljujem se i Maji Marković iz Huge Media koja mi je pomogla u tehničkom delu da imam ovaj intervju.


Vladimir Stankovic

DedaBor #ljubav, muzika i sve nešto lepo...

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